Life expectancy 10-14 years Suitable for Indian climate Height- Male 62cm/Female 60 cm

Life expectancy: 12-15 years Height: Male/Female 36/33cm Suitable for Indian climate

Life span-12 years Height: 38 cm Suitable for Indian climate

– Life expectancy-10-12 years – Height: male/female 63 cm- 60cm

Life span-around 11 years Suitable for Indian climate Height  –  Male/Female up to 65/60 cm

Life expectancy-10-12 years Suitable for Indian climate Height: Male/Female up to 61/56 cm

Life span 12-15 years Height: 50cm-58cm Not suitable for Indian climate

Life span-12-15 years Suitable for Indian climate Size: Around 33 cms

Lifespan 8-10 years Height: Male/Female 76/71cms Suitable for Indian climate

Lifespan-12-16 years Height: 55-64cm Suitable for Indian climate

Lifespan-13-16 years Height: 65cms-55cms Suitable for Indian climate

Life expectancy-10-13 years Suitable for Indian climate Height – Male/Female up to 72/63 cm 

Lifespan 12-16 years Suitable for Indian climate